Wednesday, June 29

Camp Incentive Program - Camp Currency

Before attending camp this year we decided that we needed an incentive program... something to keep the YW motivated to help with chores, perform service, etc. We decided that because we had a SAFARI theme this year we would have the YW earn beads for their deeds. Then, each day we would have a store full of goodies where they could shop. We literally had YW fighting over who got to do dishes! Amazing! We will do this forever - at camp and youth conference.

What we did:

  • We purchased inexpensive beads for our currency. You can use ANYTHING. I recommend giving the YW drawstring bags or something in which to keep their "money."
  • We purchased goodies - candy bars, crystal light on-the-go packets, water bottles (and other items YW may have forgotten!), bubbles, etc.
  • We purchased plastic containers to put store items in.
  • We marked on the containers the cost - 1 Bead, 2 Beads, etc.
  • We determined the cost of each item (based on about .25-.50 per bead) and put items in the corresponding containers.
  • Each leader was given a bag full of beads to distribute as they felt appropriate. YW earned beads for filling the water jug, doing dishes, helping cook meals, taking out trash, doing service for other camps, etc. They were constantly looking for ways to earn beads. 
  • The store was open at different times throughout the day and the YW were allowed to shop with their beads. Make sure to have a lot of small items (like the on-the-go drink packets) and some large ticket items. We actually threw in an ice cream party to earn the last day of camp (clean-up day) if they earned a certain number of beads!
  • Throughout the day items that were left around the camp (blankets, jackets, water bottles, whatever) were picked up and placed in "Mom's box." Before purchasing anything from the store, the YW had to buy back their own items that they had left lying around camp. This really kept our camp tidy - especially after the first day!

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