Friday, April 29

Sheet Music - Singing in Sacrament Meeting

Is there anything more beautiful than when the YW sing a special number in Sacrament Meeting? Hopefully you've noticed in the right-hand column of navigation on this page we have listed several songs that are from the New Era magazine. You can make free copies of them and they are approved for use in Sacrament Meeting.

Our YW are currently working on Guardians of Virtue, the song the choir sang in the 2011 General Young Women Meeting. We practice every Sunday (except the first Sunday when we meet with the Relief Society) during Opening Exercises.

Speaking of Opening Exercises, here is a conducting sheet that our class presidency uses each week. You are welcome to print them up and keep some in your YW room.

Let us know what some of your favorite musical numbers are for the Young Women. Do you use the YW Songbook? You can access some of the songs (sheet music & MP3) online here.


Unknown said...

You missed a beautiful song called "Jesus is My Shepherd", by Tammy Simister Robinson. It can be found at this link
on the church website - or through the church music library, submitted songs. I hope the link works because the song is simple and beautiful and would be lovely with a group of young women or even a duet or solo.