Saturday, May 7

Relief Society Mentors

Once the dust clears from Youth Conference and Girls Camp (whew!) this Summer, we will be starting a Relief Society mentoring program.

We have had our Young Women sign up and tell us a specific skill that they would like to learn. We have YW interested in photography, car repair, cooking, needlework, etc.

We are planning to take that list and pass it around Relief Society and ask that sisters volunteer to help mentor a young woman in an area they are comfortable with. We will explain to them that they have the opportunity to work on their Personal Progress if they would like, but if nothing else it will be a good bonding experience and a great way to help with the transition between YW and RS!

After 6-8 weeks we plan to have a dinner to thank the sisters who have helped with the skills. We will have the YW display the projects they have been working on with their mentors.